Our logo story

Connecting the dots.

It all starts with a dot. A single dot. A tiny possibility in the vast canvas of the universe. But from that humble speck emerges a grand symphony of creativity. Do you see the dot on our logo? It’s a bindi, derived from the word ‘bindu’ meaning dot. It represents our beloved mother - Yamini. She is the beacon of our design ethos and the driving force behind every stroke of our pen.

Our logo is not just a symbol, but a heartfelt tribute to our mother and all women around the world who turn a simple house into a sanctuary we call home. A mother is the first architect of the home who creates it with boundless love and fills it with happiness.

Our mother’s influence is palpable in every stroke of our designs, as we strive to create spaces – residential, commercial or industrial - that are not just visually stunning, but deeply meaningful and emotionally resonant. Our mother's love is the dot where it all started and it continues to propel us to push the boundaries of design, defy conventions, and create spaces that are truly awe-inspiring.